Saturday 3 November 2012

My own little Halloween Horrors - bless!

The boys have loved dressing up, Alfie makes the cutest vampire and they had their usual Halloween tea that I make for them.
Mouldy pumpkins..
and mummy face pizzas and pepper filled with pink worms!
I have loved decorating,

Very pleased with the banner I made.

However it is a bit strange that we have already been to our bonfire and firework display, good that it was done during the boys half term, though. We went on Thursday and it was just fantastic! My niece was here to stay so it was really great that she could come with us, too, as she is feeling a bit down after losing her job. The boys really cheered her up when they were playing together so everybody benefited!

Other things, Harry has a little outside activity with Beavers this Tuesday so need to make sure he is wrapped up warm for that as the weather is definitely turning wintery, and Alfie will be starting his swimming lessons in a couple of weeks, now his cast has been off for the correct time and they can fit him in - he is really looking forward to that!

So, this weekend is all about getting the boys' things ready for school as they go back on Monday and there are lots of things on the calendar in the run up to Christmas. When they are back I will be able to get on and do some more things for the Christmas Craft Event in December. 

Catch ya later!

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