Wednesday 3 June 2015

A quick post at breakfast


I've taken the dog out and am now having my porridge whilst looking across the kitchen at some of the surfaces currently covered with items from my cupboards. Before school I decided that today I would pack away crockery we certainly won't use before we move. This includes things like platters used at parties/big meals, the bamboo steamer (which I have never used so it may end up in the next charity shop bag!), the pull-down juicer and some wooden salad bowls. I have newspapers at the ready and plan to have these things packed today so that is two cupboards done and ticked off the list!

I am working my way through the book I bought called Stuffocation, if you remember? I have read some very interesting things such as how fires are on the increase in some places due to people properly hoarding unnecessary stuff. Also how people make life changing decisions about how to live their life because they realise they are just drowning in things that do not help to enhance their lives at all. I remember a few years ago how myself and hubs used to truly believe that it was great to have two of everything but three was better! Oh how times and opinions change - and for the better to my way of thinking.

I had a complete light bulb moment when I read about a woman selling her wedding dress. I considered we have fab pictures of that day, of that experience, people still remember the wonderful meze we had for our meal in the evening as we were married in Cyprus. This is just a great example of living experientially, along with not needing to drag it to the next house only to remain under a bed and unlooked at for another few years. I have no daughter to pass it on to, I have never considered having it dyed to wear as a ball gown so I am taking it to a wedding shop to have it looked at. If I really cannot manage to sell it then I will give it away so maybe somebody else can use it to have a wonderful experience in their life, too?

Must dash,one more coffee and then I'll get on. xx

PS. Survery done on this house so all systems go by the end of the week regarding, hopefully, exchange dates. Eeek!

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